W e’ve all seen that player. The one who never interacts with the group, and only really exists to jam their “slash” button during combat. No one wants their players to be this way, and these players aren’t having much fun, either. The only real issue is shyness, or unsureness of what they’re “supposed” to do. This, of course, can be remedied, and that’s today’s topic. Ask the Player Directly One of the best ways to get players to interact is simply to ask them to do so. This is very simple, and equally effective. Essentially, when players are doing something, such as talking to an NPC, and one player isn’t saying anything, simply say something like “Jeff, do you have anything to say?” They may say no, and if they do, just say “Okay” and move on. Reward Roleplay In psychology, this is known as Positive Reinforcement. In short, when you reward good actions, people tend to repeat those actions. In RPGs...